Therapist POV

Simply Being…

Simply Being…

Simply Being “Now is the time to simply be” the words gently urged. And while the voice was admittedly somewhat annoying, the message resonated with something deep inside; an exhaustion, weariness, and pressure that urgently needed soothing.  I was in a demanding...

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How to Load a Dishwasher

How to Load a Dishwasher

“Why can’t we agree? We see things so differently! How can we make this work when we disagree on SO many things!” It’s a common refrain from couples, yet the Gottman Research Institute has found that even in the most successful relationships, sixty-nine percent of...

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Into the Deep

Today was a good day. Tiring, but good. Sitting with clients in the spaces they bring into the room: war-torn and discouraged by marriage, angry and somewhat desperate, grieving and weary, intentional and invested. I ping-pong all over the gamete of emotions...

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Weird and Wonderful Work

Weird and Wonderful Work

Being a therapist is a weird, weird gig. We step into our offices and gather ourselves to gently enter into the most sacred, private, and intimate parts of people’s worlds. We sit with them in some of their heaviest moments. We cheer them on as they set boundaries or...

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This? This is a sacred space.  Within this room, stories are told and born witness to. Secrets are shared and held. Wounds are tended to. Bonds are deepened. Risks are taken. Within this room, I've experienced some profoundly powerful moments, listened to...

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