
Blog 5 Therapist POV 5 Sacred

This? This is a sacred space. 

Within this room, stories are told and born witness to. Secrets are shared and held. Wounds are tended to. Bonds are deepened. Risks are taken. Within this room, I’ve experienced some profoundly powerful moments, listened to transformative conversations, and applauded bold leaps of faith. Within this room, I get to bear witness to the tremenously brutal, tremendously courageous work of people pursuing healing, and to the beautiful story of Redemption being woven into their lives.

I witness the bravery it takes for a person to face the inner voices they’ve avoided for so long. 

I am awed by dogged perseverance in the face of hope-eroding exhaustion. 

I listen to tales of inexpressible trauma, knowing that words can never undo the brokenness.

I watch as anger slowly shifts into vulnerability, tears, and tenderness. 

I am overwhelmed with the cruelty, abuse, ugliness, and evil there is in the world. And yet, more often, I get to marvel at the wisdom, tenacity, forgiveness, hope, and grace I see in the lives in front of me.

As I age, my tears are ever closer to the surface. And if we’ve sat together in this space long enough, I’m sure you’ve seen them. But I remain unapologetic of the emotion that fills my eyes, because, sitting with folks in the sacred spaces of their lives and watching the story of Redemption in real-time, is an incredible gift and a profound honor.